Holiday Timesheet Automation

Are you running payroll for a holiday week and your employees who took vacation aren’t being paid for the holiday?  Did you know there’s a configuration change you can make to fix it without having to run the time calculations for all employees?  You’re in luck!

Simply check the “Run Calculations with Time Off Approval” checkbox on the “Edit Tenant Setup – HCM” screen under the Time Tracking section.  Now anytime a time off request is approved, the time period containing that time off request is automatically recalculated.  There is no option to choose which time off types, all time off approvals will recalculate the timesheet for that period.

What happens once that checkbox is checked?

  • Time off approved for next week with a holiday
    • The holiday time block populates for the appropriate number of hours with a status of “Not Submitted”.  If the Mass Submit task is run this will be submitted for approval.
  • Time off approved for a future period that is locked on the period schedule
    • Same as above.  The holiday time block populates for the appropriate number of hours with a status of “Not Submitted”.  If the Mass Submit task is run this will be submitted for approval.
  • Time off approved for a prior period, which is locked
    • Same as above.  The holiday time block populates for the appropriate number of hours with a status of “Not Submitted”.  If the Mass Submit task is run this will be submitted for approval.  (We can set a date to tell Workday to only recalculate the timesheets if the time off date is after a particular date.  We can also leave this date blank.)
  • Time off is already approved for a future week and then we turn on this checkbox
    • Workday will not recalculate the timesheet, it will still need to be manually recalculated (individually or in batch)